.Refund Policy

Have questions about what products and services are eligible for a refund? We've got your answers below!

Here are our Standard Terms for products and services eligible for a refund:

>>You may request a full refund within 30 days of purchase for annual products.

>>You may request a refund within 48 hours of purchase for monthly products.

>>A product must be cancelled before we can issue a refund.

>>In the event your purchased product includes a free domain name, if you cancel the purchased product, the standard price for the domain name will be deducted from the refund amount.

Products & Services Available for Refund Under Standard Terms:

>>Domain Transfers

>>Enterprise Email

>>Hosting (all plans)

>>Reseller Accounts

>>SiteLock Malware Detector

>>Website Builder

>>SSL certificates

>>Domain Registration

>>Website Backup- CodeGuard

Domain Name Auto Renewal

For one-year renewals, refundable if canceled within 45 days after expiration (not necessarily within 45 days after renewal). For multiple years, refundable if canceled within five days after expiration. The ICANN fee is only refundable within 5 days of renewing a domain name. In the event you purchase a product that includes a free domain name, if you cancel the product, the standard price for the domain name will be deducted from the refund amount.

Domain Name Manual Renewals

Refundable if canceled within five days of manual renewal.

For More Details Call 8800-29-0020 or Contact Support